Good driving depends on practice. You must keep a few things in mind before you start driving. adjust the seat according to your convenience. Make sure that all the glasses are clean and nothing can obstruct your view. Check whether the review mirrors are properly adjusted. Don't forget to check if the car is in neutral gear before you start the engine. Look whether the doors are locked properly. The most important thing is to put on the seat belt. The drivers should ask the passengers to do the same. Check the brake lights before you start driving.
Traffic Police is taking care on the following items:
1. Keeping Road sign boards and indication Boards on Road side margins. i.e (i)School Zone, (ii)Speed breakers a head, (iii)Hospital Zone, (iv)Bus Bay etc.
2. Road markings like Zebra lines side margins with white paints.
3. Allotment of parking places at important market areas and busy places.
4. Conducting traffic awareness programmes in Schools and colleges for educating the public about traffic rules and regulations.
5. Laying speed breakers on important road junctions.
6. Posting of Traffic Out Posts at Bus stand for fixing of auto fares.
7. Conducting special drives to catch the drunken drivers and triple riders.
8. Doing Bandobust duties at fairs and festivals (Dasara Bandobust) for free flow of traffic.
Top 10 Road Safety Tips
1. Don't use your mobile phone whilst driving: Making or receiving a call, even using a 'hands free' phone, can distract your attention from driving and could lead to an accident.
2. Don't drink and drive: Any alcohol, even a small amount , can impair your driving so be a safe driver don't drive and drive.
3. Slow down: At 35mph you are twice as likely to kill a pedestrian than at 30mph.
4. Children: Children often act impulsively, take extra care outside schools, near buses and ice cream vans when they might be around.
5. Take a break: Tiredness is thought to be a major factor in more than 10% of road accidents. Plan to stop for at least a 15 minute break every 2 hours on a long journey.
6. Walk safely: When crossing a road always use a pedestrian crossing if there is one nearby. Help others to see you by wearing fluorescent or reflective clothing in poor light conditions
7. Anticipate: Observe and anticipate other road users and use your mirrors regularly.